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Adult Undergraduate Degree Programs

SNU offers a variety of undergraduate degrees for busy adults juggling life's responsibilities.

Your Guide to Admissions

Enrolling at SNU is a simple process. With rolling start dates, there’s no need to wait months at a time to begin your educational journey. Take the following steps:
Step 1. Apply online at
Step 2. Complete your FAFSA at using school code 003149
Step 3. Send official transcripts to SNU at or ATTN: SNU PGS Admissions, Southern Nazarene University, 6729 NW 39th Expressway, Bethany, OK 73008.
You will be contacted regarding any supporting materials we may need. Upon acceptance, your student success advisor will help you enroll and prepare for success as an adult student at SNU.
After a transcript evaluation is completed, you will meet with an advisor to discuss courses needed and how you can utilize life experience, training, and certifications to earn as many as 39 college credits at no additional cost to you.

Find the Right Undergraduate Program for You

Regardless of your life circumstances, it’s never too late to finish your degree. SNU offers flexible undergraduate degree programs because every student deserves a chance to succeed in the time they need. Learn more about SNU’s diverse degree offerings below.

Associate Programs

Business and Leadership Programs

Criminal Justice and Cyber Security


Healthcare and Family Studies & Gerontology

Accelerated General Education

Why Earn Your Graduate Degree at SNU?

Additional Resources

“The adult studies program, and its emphasis on creating an adult learning environment, was designed so brilliantly. It offered us an opportunity to fit higher education into our already busy lives, giving us flexibility and manageable tasks.”

Cheryl Hanson

B.S. Business Administration graduate

“[My success] is all because I went through those two programs at SNU that gave me what I consider a very well-rounded view of gerontology and the family systems."

Nikki Buckelew

BS in Family Studies and Gerontology graduate and MS in Counseling Psychology graduate

“I chose SNU for a few reasons. They offered something a lot of other colleges didn’t. They offered a place where I could go to school in the evening times, after work, and still be able to complete my degree in a reasonable amount of time. When I saw the VETS Center on the website, I immediately gave them a call.”

Stephen Sharp

BA Organizational Leadership graduate

“The model of prayer, and having devotionals, and having teachers that are available — a chaplain that is available at your leisure and is there to help you with your own self-care as an adult — definitely helped sway my decision toward SNU."

Dorsey Ramsey

BS in Family Studies and Gerontology graduate, MS in Counseling Psychology graduate, and current MBA student

“We were challenged to think and perform outside of our comfort zones, and as a result, we are walking away from this experience with a newfound global perspective and a new appreciation for the world and humanity around us.”

Cheryl Hanson

BA Organizational Leadership graduate

Getting started is easy

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